6/19/2024 0 Comments Natural Health 101I worked as a massage therapist regularly for 30 yrs. And performed in depth Health evaluations w/ customized herbal programs, educating and helping people to heal themselves from the inside out, w/ diet changes & a whole lot of cleansing. Yes, I was known as the 'parasite killer', 'colon healer' in town. I was trained by the best and I got results. I Loved it. But I also loved working with the mind, heart & spirit for healing so I gravitated towards hypnosis, meditation, channeling and energy work. And again, I get results.
(I am available for Holistic Health Programs for your specific needs). I teach you how to know what your body needs and what the priority is according to your history and the 9 body systems. You know you are on the right track with better sleep, energy and elimination. Healing happens on many levels. Intention is the start, then commitment & action in alignment w/ your authentic self or (trust me) it won't work. There are multiple healing modalities to choose from today, the trick is trusting yourself to find the right one at the right time. You can start this fascinating journey (well, I find it fascinating), by doing this one simple thing: Speak /Pray to the Universe, Divine, God, Higher Power; whomever you believe in; 'I need help. I feel _______. I'd like to heal this'. Period. Done. Then trust & act as guided. You'll know it's right by the light easy way you feel. You'll know you took a wrong turn by that 'not so good' feeling. When you ask the Divine for help, know that it heard you. In fact it already knows what's up, but until you fully trust, it cannot help. You are the center of your life experience and source respects your divine free agency to choose how you live. I do not enjoy telling people what to eat or how to exercise; there are plenty of professionals who do. But for the record, start with the basics: Eat a clean natural real food diet as best you can. Eliminate all junk food; processed, engineered in any way. Yes, it matters. Everything you eat either nourishes your cells or congests them. Drink pure water (yes tap water is toxic to your heart and tissues; look up the effects of chlorine/ fluoride on your tissues. I cannot believe, in this day and age that I hear people boasting about how wonderful their tap water is! Drink spring water or reverse osmosis for best filtering; yes, it's better to take a good multi than depend on tap water for your minerals. If you have to drink bottled water; here's a big secret: Crystal Geyser is the only one on the market today that does not have some kind of carcinogen added to it. My naturopath/teacher tested almost every brand on the market with a BTA machine. (Biological Terrain Assessment) an amazing machine, (a whole other story) & crystal geyser tested clear for any contaminants! Breathe clean fresh air & sweat daily. Ground (skin to earth) your body to reduce the effects of EMF's. Take natural medicine (herbs & vitamins) & clean up your diet to correct your symptoms/imbalances. The body responds beautifully to natural methods as it works with nature. You can heal an organ. You can reverse degeneration in any tissue. Cells are cells & they all require certain nutrients to function. You can heal your cells by giving them what they lack & by eliminating the assault of toxins. Do what you LOVE and don't let anyone stop you. Be a 'honey badger' for your own growth & happiness. Become your own best friend and loving parent. Live with an open mind; (meditate to clear the chatter) Let your heart express itself in your life. Listen to your body. Self care changes everything. If you were traumatized; embrace it, get all the right help you need to find safe passage again. It can be a rough ride, but not forever, and yes you will not be the same, but you were not meant to. The more you have, the more help you may need. but the first decision you make is to NOT stuff it, hide it or deny it. Thank God, we can talk about it now. The only way through it, is through it.. and it takes high voltage Love, Patience, Tender care to transform it. I will write about this in depth at another time. I address this in all my work as necessary. I am well versed in the realm of trauma and I am alive as proof that going through it is better than avoiding it. Reminders: When things are going easily and you can feel joy in the simple things, you are in alignment w/ your spirit. When you are confused, in pain or ill, you may be blocked mentally, or energetically. Believe me, I have lived it. Take courage, pray and plan to create a change. Let God be your guide. Anything can change and going inward is the best place to start. (Ask me how to access an infinite resource of wisdom/guidance w/ Sacred Space) There is nothing that cannot heal. We are powerful beyond measure. And remember pain and heartache is temporary and our teacher. The deeper the pain, the deeper the understanding & capability to know compassion & understanding. Disassociating from pain and heartache can cause more problems long term. See my next article on Toxic Positivity. Please be a person in the world today with this sensitivity & capacity. We NEED YOU.